Proxy Submission Guidelines

Here are a few basic guidelines for submitting proxies. They are not necessarily set-in-stone rules and each proxy submission is taken on a case-by-case basis.

I add submissions when I can – it might take a few weeks for me to get around to a submission. If four weeks have passed and you still don’t see your submission, please review the guidelines below.

Proxy must not infringe IP

MiniWars neither encourages nor discourages people from making proxies that closely resemble models from other companies. What I can say is if models end up getting DMCA’d, I have to deal with a load of dead links and MiniWars users are left with a frustrating experience.

So if you submit a model that looks exactly like a Space Marine Land Raider and call it “Space Marine Land Raider”, it’s probably not going to appear on MiniWars.

Proxy STLs should be good quality, or at least interesting

Every single STL that gets created is awesome. But sometimes an STL represents an early stage on an artist’s journey and doesn’t necessarily provide something that isn’t already available in a better form somewhere else. If a model is a little wonky but is rare or fills an interesting niche, it has more chance of appearing on MiniWars!

Physical models take a lot of effort to get into production and are convenient for gamers, so they get more leeway in terms of quality.

Promotional images should be good quality

One of the things that is important to me is that images on MiniWars are uniform in size and shape, uncluttered with background elements and ideally, free of text and logos etc. Images need to read well at 300px square.

If you’ve taken the time to learn how to model in Blender, do yourself a service and learn how to create a render of your sweet model. 🙂

Make it easy for me

I like doing this and I believe MiniWars benefits the community. But if I have to jump through hoops to find the model being submitted or it takes too long to make a suitable image, I probably won’t bother – I’ll paint something from my pile instead.

Latest Epic 40k Proxies