Marauder Bomber

icon-admechicon-imperial-guardicon-sisters-of-battleicon-solar-auxiliaicon-space-marine / Navy

The Marauder Bomber is a heavily armed offensive unit capable of hitting any position on the board. They are excellent for mopping up fleeing formations, and can withstand a reasonable amount of incomming anti-air fire.

Games Workshop Models

Aeronautica Imperialis (2019) Marauder Bomber

Best source for this model

Forge World Marauder Bomber

Best source for this model

Specialist Games Marauder Bomber

Best source for this model

Epic 40k Marauder Bomber

Best source for this model

Proxy Models

Marauder AWACS

Best source for this model3D File

Toady Heavy Fighter

Best source for this model3D File

Novan Hurrican Tank Hunter

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

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