Warhound Titan

icon-admechicon-chaosicon-imperial-guardicon-space-marine / War Engine

Warhound Titans are formidable fighting machines, often deployed in pairs to increase their overall resilience. They are vulnerable to specialised enemy units, but carry considerable speed and firepower.

Games Workshop Models

Adeptus Titanicus (2018) Warhound Titan

Best source for this model

Forge World Warhound Titan

Best source for this model

Specialist Games Warhound Titan

Best source for this model

Adeptus Titanicus (1988) Warhound Titan

Best source for this model

Proxy Models

Cybershadow Heavy Recon Stalker – Vulture

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Cursed Legion of Cendre Hell Scavanger

Best source for this model3D File

Cybershadow Heavy Recon Stalker

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Legion of Cendre – Heavy Walker Scout

Best source for this model3D File

Cybershadows Jackal Warstalker

Previously available from
Physical Model

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