Warlord Titan

icon-admechicon-chaosicon-imperial-guardicon-space-marine / War Engine

The Warlord Titan is a massive war engine, capable of laying waste to entire formations. With a full complement of Void Shields and high damage capacity, destroying one can prove a tall order. However, they are very expensive, and including one in an army will mean sacrificing tactical flexibility.

Games Workshop Models

Adeptus Titanicus (2018) Warlord Titan

Best source for this model

Specialist Games Warlord Titan

Best source for this model

Space Marine 2nd Ed. Warlord Titan

Best source for this model

Adeptus Titanicus (1988) Warlord Titan

Best source for this model

Adeptus Titanicus (1988) Prototype Warlord Titan

Best source for this model

Proxy Models

Cursed Legion of Cendre Avatar of War

Best source for this model3D FilePhysical Model

Lucifer Pattern Overlord Warmech

Best source for this model3D File

Revolt of Cendre Heavy Titan

Best source for this model3D FilePhysical Model

Warbringer Maximus

Best source for this model3D FilePhysical Model

Cybershadows Leviathan Stalker

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Royal Empire Zho Large Behemoth

Previously available from
Physical Model

Royal Empire Marcovian Large Behemoth

Previously available from
Physical Model

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