
icon-chaos / War Engine

The Khorne Bloodthirster is a giant Daemon armed with massive close combat weapons, which it uses to annihilate enemies of almost any size. Blessed with Daemonic armour and incredibly thick skin, it has excellent survivability, and even when under heavy fire, will not break or run.

Games Workshop Models

Space Marine 2nd Ed. Bloodthirster 1

Best source for this model

Space Marine 2nd Ed. Bloodthirster 2

Best source for this model

Proxy Models

Skull God Blood Demon

Best source for this model3D File

FDD601 Demon Lord

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Nabassu / Bat Demon

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Great Flame Demon

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

526 The Balrog

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Pit Lord

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

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