Champion of Chaos

Champions of Chaos are supremme warriors armed with powerful weapons touched by Daemons. They aid also the summoning of Daemons to the battlefield.

Big Mutants

Big Mutants are muscle bound beasts with thick skin and big, basic, but effective weapons. They are dangerous at close quarters, and they will literally bash their opponents into submission.


Bloodletters are horrific Lesser Daemons of Khorne that specialise in close combat fighting. They have no ranged attacks, but their Hellblades will cleave through a large number of enemy units.


Berzerkers are frenzied close combat monsters who will likely tear apart most oppenents they get to grips with. They have good armour and will not break or flee when the going gets tough.

Warhound Titan

Warhound Titans are formidable fighting machines, often deployed in pairs to increase their overall resilience. They are vulnerable to specialised enemy units, but carry considerable speed and firepower.

Reaver Titan

A Reaver Titan is a powerful weapons platform, mounting up to three Titan class weapons. Though it’s heavily armoured and benefits from Void Shields it’s far from indestructable, making the cheaper Warhound Titans an attractive alternative.

Harbinger Bomber

The sleek Harbinger bomber is a massive aircraft that is especially good at dislodging enemy units from cover, or annihilating broken formations. Its Incendiary Bombs do a massive amount of damage over a wide area, and Reaper Autocannons provide additional firepower and defence against enemy aircraft.

Chaos Terminators

Chaos Space Marine Terminators are extremely potent units that can strike anywhere on the board using their teleport ability. Reaper Autocannons and assorted Power Weapons make short work of enemy units, and heavy armour gives them a good chance of surviving most engadgements.

Warlord Titan

The Warlord Titan is a massive war engine, capable of laying waste to entire formations. With a full complement of Void Shields and high damage capacity, destroying one can prove a tall order. However, they are very expensive, and including one in an army will mean sacrificing tactical flexibility.