Fire Dragons

Eldar Fire Dragons are excellent anti-vehicle specialists, and their Fusion Guns will melt all but the heaviest armour with ease. If an Exarch is added to an Aspect Warrior unit, it’s common to use a Fire Dragon to confer his extra attack.


The Farseer brings valuable army-wide bonuses to an Eldar force, as well as the ability to sumon an Avatar during the course of play. For these reasons, he comes highly recommended and should be included in an army wherever possible.


An Exarch can further increase the effectiveness of an Aspect Warrior unit. Depending on the Aspect they belong to, they are close combat or fire fight orientated. The latter are more popular, as they have more chance of surviving an engagement.

Dire Avengers

Dire Avengers are quick firing troops capable of laying down a withering wall of fire. They are a popular choice among Eldar players, who will often choose this Aspect when including an Exarch in the unit.

Dark Reapers

Dark Reapers offer good ranged power to an Aspect Warrior formation. They will decimate enemy infantry formations when used in number.

Court of the Young King

The Court of the Young King accompany the Avatar into battle, adding to his already impressive assault capabilities.


An Autarch is an elite unit possessing powerful close combat and ranged attacks. He improves the overall performance of an Eldar army, in addition to providing the usual Exarch bonuses to any Aspect Warrior unit he is attached to.

Eldar Guardians

Eldar Guardians are fragile, yet surprisingly effective in enagements due to large numbers and the range of units they can draw upon for support. They are also very cheap, and can enable an Eldar player to attain an activation count majority.