Leman Russ Demolisher

icon-imperial-guardicon-solar-auxilia / Vehicle

The Leman Russ Demolisher excels at destroying infantry and armour in cover. It is medium ranged, with tough armour, and its secondary weaponry is almost as powerful as its main gun, though slow firing.

Games Workshop Models

Legions Imperialis Leman Russ Demolisher

Best source for this model

Epic 40k Leman Russ Demolisher

Best source for this model

Proxy Models

Premium Lemoine Russel Builder

Best source for this model3D File

Brittanican Combat Operations Vehicle Set Alpha

Best source for this model3D File

Renegade Centurion Tank (Ajax)

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Novan Regulars Corinth Medium Tank (Ajax)

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Novan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank (Ajax)

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

Novan Regulars Centurion Assault Gun

Best source for this modelPhysical Model

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Best source for this modelPhysical Model

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