The Leman Russ Battle Tank is an iconic, heavily armoured vehicle used by the Imperial Guard. Millions have been built and sent to the front lines, where they provide the Imperial Guard army with powerful anti-infantry and anti-armour capability.
Games Workshop Models
Epic 40k Leman Russ
Best source for this modelSpace Marine 2nd Ed. Leman Russ
Best source for this modelProxy Models
Premium Lemoine Russel Builder
Best source for this model3D FileBrittanican Combat Operations Vehicle Set Alpha
Best source for this model3D FileBR030 Pilgrim Heavy Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelBR023 Lionheart A Battle Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelBR018 T47 Main Battle Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelBR024 Lionheart B Battle Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelRenegade Centurion Tank (Patroclus)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelRenegade Centurion Tank (Patroclus)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelCenturion Exposed Tracks (Hector)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelNovan Regulars Corinth Medium Tank (Hector)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelBR021 Calydon Battle Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelGatling Battle Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelNovan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank (Turnus)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelNovan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank (Hector)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelNovan Regulars Centurion Main Battle Tank (Aeneas)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelNovan Churchillian Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelTainted Regulars Centurion Tank (Hector)
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelTerran Federation Scimitar HMG Tank
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelTerran Federation Sabre MBT
Best source for this modelPhysical ModelHelp Improve This Page
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