Ork Warbike Outriders are fast moving units with scouting abilities. Their Twin Sawn-off Big Shootas have some short ranged use, but Outriders are better suited to getting up close and personal with their enemies.
Faction: Orks
Squig Katapult
A Squig Katapult is a primative artillery weapon that fires pots of Buzzer Squigs – insect-like creatures that are capable of stripping flesh in seconds.
An Oddboy character is added to a vehicle or artillery gun, and upgrades the unit to a Supa-Zzap Gun or Soopagun. These weapons are capable of destruction on a large scale.
Nobz are big brutes who are formidable in close combat, where their Big Choppas will cleave up large numbers of enemy units. They are also good for Ork morale, encouraging other Orks to fight for longer.
Nob Warbikes
Nob Warbikes are Ork leaders who ride into battle on the best bikes and chop enemies up at close quarters with their assault weapons. They also have ranged firepower, though it’s not particularly accurate.
Mekboy Bad Ork Bikerboy
The Mekboy Bad Ork Bikerboy is the biggest, baddest Bikerboy in an Ork Speed Freek army. He rides into battle and cuts enemies down left and right with his custom weapons.
Madboyz are crazed close combat troops who will fight on regardless of whether they’re winning the battle or not.
Ork Stormboyz are fast close combat troops with limited shooting ability. They are good at getting behind enemy lines, and holding territory when they need to.
Ork Kommandos are suited to scouting ahead of the Ork army. They are good for holding territory, and protecting more valuable Ork units from unwanted assault.
Grotz are often no more than fleshy shields. They are weak in close combat, have poor shooting ability, and no armour. If hits can be allocated to these free units rather than more valuable Orks, they have served their purpose!