The Imperial Guard Valkyrie is a transport aircraft with excellent all-round ability. Its Multi Laser and Heavy Bolter provide anti-infantry and anti-tank capability, and Rocket Pods are one-shot weapons that cause considerable disruption to enemy lines.
Faction: Sisters of Battle
The Chimera is a mainstay of many Imperial Guard armies. They are cheap and reasonably well armed, and can be present in significant numbers.
Marauder Bomber
The Marauder Bomber is a heavily armed offensive unit capable of hitting any position on the board. They are excellent for mopping up fleeing formations, and can withstand a reasonable amount of incomming anti-air fire.
The Hunter is an anti-air tank based on the Rhino chassis. It has excellent range and is quite accurate. Hunters are essential if your army doesn’t have any form of air cover.
Lightning Strike Fighter
The Lighting Strike Fighter is a fast moving aircraft that is excellent for mopping up broken or fleeing armour formations.