Miniatures Sources Suitable For Epic
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STL Files, mostly for fantasy battle, but at least one compatible with Epic.

Across The Realms
STL Files for 28mm, but they do also offer two excellent titans in epic scale.

AdmGR Projects Yard
A selection of smallscale ships compatible with Imperial and Necron forces.

A number of great-looking STL files compatible with Imperial Forces

Alternative Armies
Mostly caters for larger scales but there's a good selection of 6mm miniatures and terrain.

STLs Compatible with Ork, Chaos, and other forces.

Ankylo Miniatures
STL Files, some compatible with Epic. Runs Kickstarter campaigns that are often relevant to Epic.

STL Files compatible with Imperial and Chaos titans.

STL Files compatible with Epic including several Nurgle units.

A large selection of Titan weapons and accessories, as well as products compatible with other systems.

Battlefleet Galaxy
Finely detailed starships compatible with Imperial and Chaos forces.

STL Files compatible with Orks and Imperial, including Titans. Also a large selection of terrain.

STL Files, compatible with specific Imperial Guard regiments.

Bits Blitz (CULTS)
A large selection of smallscale terrain, fun accessories and miniature STLs.

Bits Blitz (Shapeways)
Starships compatible with Imperial forces.

A selection of starships, some of which could be used for Imperial and Ork forces.

Brigade Models
I wide variety of smaller scale models, including some suitable for Epic.

Brother Arminius Miniatures
Some lovely-looking STL files, compatible with Imperial, Chaos and Necron forces.

Chaostemple Miniatures
Models compatible with Guard, Necron, and other forces.

STL Files, some compatible with Epic.

A nice selection of STL files compatible with loyal and disloyal Space Marine factions.

Doom Pig Miniatures
A couple of very nice Tzeentch compatible miniatures.

Plenty of original GW models, many reassuringly overpriced.

Edge Miniatures
STLs, Mostly for larger scales but there is a fleshed-out range of excellent models compatible with Eldar and Dark Eldar forces.

Eureka Miniatures
Mostly fantasy miniatures, but there are a few that could be used for Epic.

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Fantasy Cult Miniatures
Larger scale miniatures, but one would make an excellent Dark Eldar Titan.

Fusion Shipyards
Spaceship STL files compatible with Imperial and Squat factions.

Gregster's Lab
Most of Gregster's models can be found on Vanguard Miniatures, but there's at least one good Squat proxy here.

Grim Dark Bits
A selection of starships and other models compatible with Imperial and other forces.

Grimdark Terrain
Mostly terrain (obviously), but also a few models suitable for use as proxies.

HLS Models
Purchased the Steel Crown Productions line, but don't seem to be restocking models.
Starships compatible with Imperial, Eldar and Chaos forces. Also sells via Vanguard Miniatures.

Lots of retro style models, some compatible with Ork armies.

Tropical dwelling hobbit who offers STLs compatible with Imperial and Chaos forces.

Khurasan Miniatures
A good range of models compatible with a variety of forces. MiniWars currently has an incomplete listing.

King Games
Not specific to Epic or 6mm, but a couple of models are compatible with Chaos forces.

KMFP Designs
An expansive range of STL files compatible with Space Marines, Mechanicus, Squats and more.

Knightmare Miniatures
Miniatures for larger scales, but one would make a good Lord of Change.

Some of the finest Space Elf themed STLs to be found.

Magister Militum
Mostly not intended to be Epic compatible, but a couple of miniatures would fit.

Easily the best supplier name listed. Supplies printed Grimdark Terrain models.

Several STL files compatible with Tyranid and Necron forces.

Micro Warfare
A selection of STL Files compatible with Eldar (Exodite!) and other factions.

Microworld Games
Models that are compatible with a variety of forces, most importantly, Eldar Exodites!

STL Files compatible with Adeptus Mechanicus forces.

Mighty Minis UK
Supplier of models and terrain from various STL designers. Custom 3D printing also available.

A large selection of STL files, many compatible with Epic.

National Cheese Emporium (CGTrader)
STLs Compatible with Space Marines, Necrons, and more.

National Cheese Emporium (CULTS)
STLs Compatible with Space Marines, Necrons, and more.

National Cheese Emporium (Shapeways)
Models compatible with Space Marines, Necrons, and more.
Starship STLs compatible with Imperial, Chaos, Necron, and other forces.

Highly detailed STL files compatible with Eldar and Imperial factions.

Onslaught Miniatures
A large selection of models compatible with Imperial, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Squat, and other forces.

Phoenix Forge
Starships compatible with Tau, Eldar, Necron, and other forces.

STL files compatible with Imperial forces.

Privateer Press
Larger scale models, but a few would make good Dark Eldar Titans.

Supplier of printed models from various designers. Compatible with Space Marines, Orks, and others.

Reaper Miniatures
Models for larger scales, but a couple would make good Chaos Daemons.

Rebel Forge Minis
A variety of STL files compatible with Chaos, Squats, Imperial Guard and Orks. Plenty of interesting models not widely covered.

Rebel Minis
Models for other scales, but a couple would make good Chaos Mutants.

Red Nebular
Plenty of fun retro models, many suitable for use as Epic Orks and Gargants

STL Files compatible with Imperial and Chaos factions.

ROK Minis
UK-based 3D printing service with rights to print most popular Epic-related STLs

Scourge Scenics
A large selection of printed models compatible with Imperial, Chaos, and Ork forces.

Shrike Studio
A small selection of STL files, at least one would make a good titan.

Splintered Light Miniatures
Models for other scales, but some would make good Chaos Mutants.

Strato Minis
More futuristic than grimdark, but some of the models are compatible with Epic forces.
Studio DR
Not specifically for Epic or small scales, but there are few good Chaos Titan proxies.

STL Files compatible with Imperial and Eldar forces.

Tabletop Art
For larger scales, but they have a good Necron Nightbringer proxy.

Tactical Command Forum
The original Epic community site. Much has moved to Discord or Facebook, but you might still find gems here.

STLs Compatible with Dark Eldar and other forces.

The Lazy Forger
Extremely highly detailed STL files compatible with Imperial, Tau, and other factions.

Tordo Miniatures
Plenty of STLs compatible with Imperial and Chaos forces. Generally 8mm scale but would reduce down to 6mm if required.

Supplier of Dropzone Commander models, some of which would be suitable Epic proxies.

Vanguard Miniatures
A huge range of miniatures compatible with Space Marine, Guard, Ork, Eldar, Chaos at 6-8mm scale and also plenty at 3mm.

Varus Miniatures
STL Files for Warmaster, but at least one is suitable for use with Epic.

Wakes Emporium (Gumroad)
Highly detailed STLs compatible with Orks, Imperial, Tau, and other forces.

Wargame Exclusive
Models mostly for 28mm gaming, but they do offer at least two epic scale titans.

Winter's Bioforge
Finely detailed hand sculpted models compatible with Tyranid forces.

STL Files compatible with several factions including Necron, Ork and Squats.

Zepeda 3D
3D Artist who does not specialise in gaming miniatures, but does offer a perfect Chaos bomber.