Model Sources: Alternative Armies
Mostly caters for larger scales but there’s a good selection of 6mm miniatures and terrain.
BR030 Pilgrim Heavy Tank
BR023 Lionheart A Battle Tank
BR018 T47 Main Battle Tank
BR024 Lionheart B Battle Tank
BR026 Lynx Scout Walker
LB29 Flesharons
GA14 Alien Xenomorph
BR016 Tryant SPG Caisse
BR022 Tyros Laser Destroyer Tank
BR025 Ironclad Superheavy Tank
BR019 Actium Superheavy Tank
BR021 Calydon Battle Tank
BR020 Kourian Superheavy Tank
BR027 Corvo Dropship
hot32 Sphinx
SHM85 Stovan Servitor
526 The Balrog
HOT3T Troll Warband
HOT64 Cadaver Zombie
RAP014 Mutants 1
Stormhunter Assault Gun
Grenadier Infantry
Nemian Assault Tank
Hunter Medium Tank
Armadillo APC
Gryphon Gravscout
Stalker Missile Tank
Lionsguard Power Armor Squad
Tiger Combat Walker
Grenadier Tank Hunters
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