Model Sources: Microworld Games
Models that are compatible with a variety of forces, most importantly, Eldar Exodites!
Beastkin Dragoons
Troll Wrecking Crew
Allo Light Assault Cluster
Brachiosaur Superheavy Unit
Triceratops Assault Cluster
Steg Assault Cluster
Anklyo Support Cluster
Para Support Cluster
Anklyo AP/AA cluster
Ceratops Light Cluster
Triceratops Transport Cluster
Cyclopean Demons
Stahlritter Heavy Tank
Granit APC
Stahlritter Support Weapons
StahlRitter Standard Infantry
Schiefer Type I Light Tank
T-rex Superheavy Unit
Raptor Dragoon
Foundationist Power Armor Platoon
Orc Warriors
Armored Behemoth
Lesser Behemoth
Dragonfly Gunship
Muties Cavalry
Spogre Specialists
Spogre Assault Troops
Spogre Infantry
Flame Demons
Scuttler Mk II
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