Model Sources: Onslaught Miniatures
A large selection of models compatible with Imperial, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Squat, and other forces.
OTC Attack Drones
OTC Akuma Grav Tank
Hellborn Mutants
Hellborn Gore Maidens
Hellborn Flesh Reavers
Hellborn Fallen Sisters
Hellborn Fallen Sister Lacerators
Hellborn Fallen Sister Eradicators
Hellborn Fallen Sister Discordia Squad
Hellborn Cultists
Hellborn Cult Zealots
Hellborn Cult Destroyers
Hellborn Corrupted Juno APC
Hellborn Corrupted Hera MBT
Hellborn Corrupted Hemera Siege Tank
Hellborn Corrupted Athena Squad
Hellborn Charnel Hounds
Grudd Jörd APC
Grudd Siege Breakers
Grudd Vor RWA
Grudd Tyr RWA
Grudd Sol RWA
Grudd Seismic Inducer
Grudd Quad Mortar
Grudd Magni Mega Assault Cannon
Grudd Iron Lord Armour
Grudd Heavy Mining Laser
Grudd Gun Trikes
Grudd Grimnir Weapon Cars
Grudd Grimnir Battle Engine
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