Penitent Engine

Penitent Engines are incredibly destructive units that charge headlong into battle, galvanised by the need to expunge the guilt their pilots feel for sins they have committed. Armed with Heavy Flamers and Power Saws, their targets cannot take advantage of cover or even armour.

Battle Sisters

Adepta Sororitas Battle Sisters are zealous servants of the Emperor. They charge into battle armed with Bolters and Heavy Flamers that ignore cover, purging heretics and xenos with extreme predudice.


A Priest is a devout member of the Ecclesiarchy who inspires those around him to even greater acts of bravery in battle. He is fearless and a force to be reckoned with in close combat, as he wields his Eviscerator to great effect.

The Deceiver

C’Tan, The Deceiver is a living God of the Necrons. He glides over the battlefield causing death and disruption to his enemies, and providing leadership bonuses and inspiration to his troops. He is incredibly difficult to destroy, possessing a 4+ invulnerable save.