The Chaos Firelord is a bomber is excellent at destroying entrenched targets. Flame Cannon and Firestorm Bombs make a mockery of natural cover or fortifications, while its Twin Lascannon is useful for taking out enemy armour and aircraft.
Interests: Battletech
Subjugator Titan
A Chaos Subjugator Titan is a close combat orientated War Engine that will stride at speed across the battlefield in order to rip enemy units of all sizes to shreads with its Hellclaws.
Epic Sisters of Battle
Accompanying Notes
The inspiration for these Sisters of Battle came from some amazing hand sculpted infantry models I found way back in 2011. It never occurred to me to tackle SoB before that, but after taking in some of the ultra-dark gothic lore I was hooked. Of course, infantry is only half the equation, and it wasn’t until a couple of years later that equally lovely tanks appeared on the scene. For this army, I wanted to take the scenic base idea first used in my Blood Angels, and improve my painting and the level of detail. Some of the bases work better than others, but overall I’m pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
If anyone wants a rolling cathedral of their own, Speedhump on Thingiverse has modelled his own version and uploaded it.

Land Speeder
Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.
Epic Blood Angels
Accompanying Notes
Started around 2012, this is the first army I tried out miniature dioramas for the basing. The dioramas keep things interesting from a modelling and painting perspective, and it’s as least as satisfying as painting the miniatures themselves. I learned a few leasons while creating these bases, and the painting is not as polished as my later Sisters of Battle, but it’ll do! I can’t remember what army list I was working to, but it’s certainly not a useable force as it stands now. I need to add a few more units and formations in the future.

The Hunter is an anti-air tank based on the Rhino chassis. It has excellent range and is quite accurate. Hunters are essential if your army doesn’t have any form of air cover.
Space Marine Bike
Space Marine Bikes make excellent flanking units. They are generally assault specialists, but the unit can be given some longer ranged firepower by adding one or more Attack Bikes.