Ordinatus Armageddon

The Ordinatus Armageddon is a starship weapon mounted on a land-based crawler. Its Nova Cannon is more than capable of reducing an enemy Titan to a smouldering wreck with one salvo, should it make the mistake of wandering into line of site of this massive machine.


Squat Warriors are good all-round troops with more staying power than the average human soldier. They come with missle launchers as standard, providing some long-range support.

Living Ancestor

On the rare occasion a Squat lives beyond his normal lifespan of 300 years, he develops psychic abilities that enable him to provide expert insights to his commanders.


The Ork Skorcha is very effective against infantry at short range, and it is ideally suited to clearing out entrenched positions. With a good turn of speed, it is useful for flanking the enemy.


The Imperial Guard Valkyrie is a transport aircraft with excellent all-round ability. Its Multi Laser and Heavy Bolter provide anti-infantry and anti-tank capability, and Rocket Pods are one-shot weapons that cause considerable disruption to enemy lines.

Subjugator Titan

A Chaos Subjugator Titan is a close combat orientated War Engine that will stride at speed across the battlefield in order to rip enemy units of all sizes to shreads with its Hellclaws.

Questor Titan

A Questor Titan is well equipped to take down large numbers of enemy units with each volley it fires. Its Castigator Cannons are especially good at cutting through swathes of infantry.


Plaguebearers are disgusting lesser Daemons of Nurgle that are incredibly tough and formidable in close combat.