
Chaos Dreadclaws are used for deploying units directly from an orbiting space craft. It can be useful to put troops anywhere on the board, but once they’re down, they’re on foot for the duration of the battle.

Knight Paladin

An Imperial Knight Paladin excels in engagements, where its Chainsword and Shock Lance will make short work of most targets. It is also armed with a Battlecannon for long range support.

Ordinatus Armageddon

The Ordinatus Armageddon is a starship weapon mounted on a land-based crawler. Its Nova Cannon is more than capable of reducing an enemy Titan to a smouldering wreck with one salvo, should it make the mistake of wandering into line of site of this massive machine.

Spore Mine Cluster

Spore Mine Clusters float around the battlefield, causing damage and disruption to infantry, vehicles, and aircraft.

Epic Sisters of Battle

Epic 40k Sisters of BattlePurge the heretic!


Devastator Marines carry shoulder mounted missile launchers capable of destroying infantry and vehicles alike. A popular method of deploying them is via Thunderhawk Gunship, with a Dreadnought to provide cover and extra firepower.


Tyranid Termagants are expendable creatures that provide ranged support in engagements. Like most Tyranids, they are fast moving, but this unit has no armour save.