Fire Warriors

Tau Fire Warriors are excellent marksmen, and their massed Pulse Rifles and Pulse Carbines will cause serious damage to enemy infantry at range. They lack any decent close combat ability, so be careful not to let anyone get close.

Fighta Bommer

Fighter Bommers can be deployed in significant number. Large squadrons are able to sustain heavy losses and still make it through to their target.


The Ork Skorcha is very effective against infantry at short range, and it is ideally suited to clearing out entrenched positions. With a good turn of speed, it is useful for flanking the enemy.


Wildboyz are primative even by Ork standards. They have no ranged weapons, instead preferring to run into battle wielding axes and shields.

Warp Spiders

Warp Spiders are extremely versatile assault orientated infantry capable of shredding formations of lower armoured troops before a shot is fired in return. A popular tactic is to emerge from Storm Serpent Webway gates and use their considerable assault range to hit unsupported or unprepared enemy targets.

Heavy Weapon Platform

Heavy Weapon platforms give Guardian formations some decent ranged firepower. They can be deployed in number to switch a Guardian formation from a largely assault orientated role, to a defensive objective guard.


The Gorgon Siege Transporter is a large vehicle capable of transporting at least 50 soldiers to the front line. It will shrug off fire from small arms fire, but is vulnerable to more powerful weapons.

Götterdämmerung Howitzer

Götterdämmerung Howitzers are long range artillery guns. They are immobile, but can be towed into position by a Bruenhilde if required.


Imperial Guard Snipers are excellent for taking out enemy targets of high importance. They can also provide a useful screen to protect against assaults on valuable friendly units.


Ogryns are huge brutes with somewhat limited mental capacity. This does not impede their ability to pummel their enemies in close quarters fighting.