An Imperial Knight Paladin excels in engagements, where its Chainsword and Shock Lance will make short work of most targets. It is also armed with a Battlecannon for long range support.
Interests: De Bellis Antiquitatis
Ordinatus Mars
The Ordinatus Mars is a gigantic mobile weapon platform employed by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Its Sonic Disruption Cannon has huge range, and will destroy absolutely anything under multiple blast templates. It has Void Shields for protection, but will almost certainly be a priority target for the enemy.
The Leviathan is an office block-sized vehicle with an impressive array of weaponry, Void Shield protection, and huge transport capacity. Its main armament, the Doomsday Cannon, has enormous range and will destroy most enemies in a single volley.
Squat Berserkers are ferocious close combat troops armed with Bolt Pistols and assault weapons. They prevent the enemy from getting too close to ranged formations, and can also be found riding into battle aboard the mighty Squat Land Train.
Fire Warriors
Tau Fire Warriors are excellent marksmen, and their massed Pulse Rifles and Pulse Carbines will cause serious damage to enemy infantry at range. They lack any decent close combat ability, so be careful not to let anyone get close.
Nob Warbikes
Nob Warbikes are Ork leaders who ride into battle on the best bikes and chop enemies up at close quarters with their assault weapons. They also have ranged firepower, though it’s not particularly accurate.
The Trojan Support Vehicle is an armoured tractor capable of towing heavy guns into position.
Tzeentch Doomwing
Tzeentch Doomwings are frighteningly fast aircraft armed with short ranged Flame Cannons that are excellent for clearing out enemy targets in cover.
Questor Titan
A Questor Titan is well equipped to take down large numbers of enemy units with each volley it fires. Its Castigator Cannons are especially good at cutting through swathes of infantry.
Space Marine Chaplian
A Space Marine Chaplain is an inspiring character, who drives those around him to assault with greater zeal and ferocity. He can be the difference between winning or losing and engadgement.