
Imperial Guard Commissars are responsible for enforcing discipline, and they will stop at nothing to acheive this. Deserters will be shot.

Devastation Class Cruiser

Devastation Class Cruisers are excellent for deploying Chaos units via planetfall. They also have Orbital Bombardment that will destroy large numbers of weaker units, and a Pin-point Attack for obliterating War Engines.

Questor Titan

A Questor Titan is well equipped to take down large numbers of enemy units with each volley it fires. Its Castigator Cannons are especially good at cutting through swathes of infantry.

Lord of Change

The Lord of Change is a winged Greater Daemon possessing great power and cunning. Its mere gaze will destroy weaker enemies in a second, and it inspires nearby Chaos followers to fight harder in battle.

Keeper of Secrets

The Keeper of Secrets is a Chaos Greater Daemon that is simultaneously beautiful and grotesque to those who see it. If its enemies are unlucky enough to be captured in its gaze, they’ll be cut down before they know what hit them.


The Khorne Bloodthirster is a giant Daemon armed with massive close combat weapons, which it uses to annihilate enemies of almost any size. Blessed with Daemonic armour and incredibly thick skin, it has excellent survivability, and even when under heavy fire, will not break or run.

Chaos Land Raider

Chaos Land Raiders are adorned with Chaos iconography, skulls and spikes. These additions are mostly for show, but the armour and firepower remain largely unchanged from the loyalist Space Marine Land Raider.

Warhound Titan

Warhound Titans are formidable fighting machines, often deployed in pairs to increase their overall resilience. They are vulnerable to specialised enemy units, but carry considerable speed and firepower.

Reaver Titan

A Reaver Titan is a powerful weapons platform, mounting up to three Titan class weapons. Though it’s heavily armoured and benefits from Void Shields it’s far from indestructable, making the cheaper Warhound Titans an attractive alternative.

Necron Lord

A Necron Lord leads his formation of mechanical warriors into battle. He is an extremely potent warrior, who’s ancient weapons will make short work of even heavy armour.