Devastation Class Cruiser

Devastation Class Cruisers are excellent for deploying Chaos units via planetfall. They also have Orbital Bombardment that will destroy large numbers of weaker units, and a Pin-point Attack for obliterating War Engines.

Hell Talon

Chaos Hell Talons are fast Fighter Bombers with good all-round capability. Its payload can be delivered anywhere it is required, though the Chaos player should be wary of enemy anti-air units.

Hell Blade

Chaos Hell Blades are dagger-like interceptors that will make short work of enemy aircraft. Their Reaper Autocannons are also useful for mopping up broken enemy formations.

Tzeentch Firelord

The Chaos Firelord is a bomber is excellent at destroying entrenched targets. Flame Cannon and Firestorm Bombs make a mockery of natural cover or fortifications, while its Twin Lascannon is useful for taking out enemy armour and aircraft.

Tzeentch Doomwing

Tzeentch Doomwings are frighteningly fast aircraft armed with short ranged Flame Cannons that are excellent for clearing out enemy targets in cover.

Subjugator Titan

A Chaos Subjugator Titan is a close combat orientated War Engine that will stride at speed across the battlefield in order to rip enemy units of all sizes to shreads with its Hellclaws.


The Khorne Bloodthirster is a giant Daemon armed with massive close combat weapons, which it uses to annihilate enemies of almost any size. Blessed with Daemonic armour and incredibly thick skin, it has excellent survivability, and even when under heavy fire, will not break or run.

Banelord Titan

Banelord Titans are grotesque re-imagining of loyalist Warlord Titans. The original weapons are replaced with more chaotic fixtures, and they incredibly powerful at range and in close combat. The Millennia have only made these machines tougher, and they are even better at soaking up fire than Imperial Titans of the same class.


Chaos Defilers are horrifying crab-like vehicles that boast an array of weaponry. Battle Cannon and Reaper Autocannon will destroy enemy units at range, while huge Battle Claws will rip apart heavily armoured units at close quarters.

Cannon of Khorne

Cannons of Khorne (aka Hellfire Cannons) are built with the sole purpose of destroying heavily armoured targets at range. They should be deployed at a location with a good field of view before the battle begins in order to maximise their potential.