
Dark Eldar Haemonculi are horrific individuals who sculpt the flesh of their victims with the various instruments of torture at their disposal, and they are feared even by other Dark Eldar.


As its name suggests, the Dominatrix takes no prisoners. Armed with a Bio-Cannon, Bio-Acid, Energy Pulse, and Massive Claws, it strides across the battlefield leaving a trail of destruction. It can command multiple formations to engage the enemy, and being fearless, will never flee.

Hydraphant Bio-Titan

The Hydraphant is one of the largest Tyranid bio constructs seen on the battlefield. Its Ripper Tentacles can pull apart enemy titans with ease, and it has an array of secondary weaponry with which to decimate units of all types up close and at range.

Hive Nest

The Hive Nest spawns Ripper Swarms that will attack anything that comes near.


Tyranid Harridans are huge nightmare creatures that fly above the battlefield, swooping to strike with Bio-Cannon and Crushing Claws. They can also carry Gargoyles, delivering them straight into the heart of the enemy.


Tyranid Trygons is a large, heavily armoured creature with huge Scything Talons and a Bio-Electric Field that can tear through infantry at short range. It can strike in unexpected positions, infiltrating enemy lines with ease.


Tyranid Malefactors are close support specialists that shoot razor sharp projectiles from their arms. Scores of enemies can fall to the Malefactor’s attack.


Tyranid Exocrines are living, direct fire cannons that fire streams of venom at an impressive rate. Their heavy armour provides good protection, allowing them to stay in the fight longer.


Tyranid Dactylis lob Heavy Spore Mines a decent range into enemy positions, causing widespread damage and disruption. They have good armour for artillery, and are also quite mobile.


Tyranid Zoanthropes are strange top-heavy looking beasts that pack a formidable ranged punch. Their Warp Blast will obliterate most targets it hits.