
Squat Warlords often wade into battle wearing heavy power armour called ‘Exo Armour’. This affords them a re-roll on armour saves, and provides them with formidable close combat ability.

Hero Class Cruiser

A Hero Class Cruiser can provide useful orbital support to a Tau army. It can target enemy War Engines with it’s powerful Pin-point Attacks, and deliver Orcas and Mantas anywhere on the board.

Killa Kan

The Killa Kan is a smaller version of the Ork Dreadnought. It is very effective in close combat, and has an adequate ranged attack.


Wildboyz are primative even by Ork standards. They have no ranged weapons, instead preferring to run into battle wielding axes and shields.


The Eldar Wraithgate is a unique structure that allows smaller units to enter the board from the webway. Often used in conjuction with Storm Serpents to provide tactical flexibility.

Phoenix Bomber

The Phoenix Bomber is one of the best ground attack aircraft in Epic. Although expensive, they are fast, well armed, and fairly resilient. They are best used for mopping up fleeing formations.

Revenant Titan

Revenant Titans are very fast for units of their size, and carry extremely powerful Pulse Lasers. However, they are vulnerable to massed fire, and should not get embroiled in lengthy firefights.


The Eldar Cobra carries an extremely powerful D-Cannon, which can destroy Titans in one attack. However, it is difficult to get into position and carry out a successful attack due to its short range and the propensity for opponents to treat it as a high priority target.

War Walker

Eldar War Walkers scout ahead of the army and can be used to deny territory to the enemy. They should be kept hidden or in cover at all times, as they are lightly armoured and usually belong to small, easily broken units.

Lunar Class Cruiser

The Lunar Class Cruiser has Orbital Bombardment capability, and a focused pin-point attack useful for taking out War Engines. Careful consideration should be given as to whether a super heavy tank would prove more cost effective.