Landing Craft

The Space Marine Landing Craft is a huge aircraft capable of carrying up to three formations of Space Marines plus four Land Raiders or Six vehicles based on the Rhino hull. An air assault from one of these aircraft can be hard to deal with for an opponent.


The Whirlwind provides a Space Marine army with some valuable long ranged fire support. They should be kept under an anti-air bubble as they are prime targets for aircraft.

Stormraven Gunship

The Stormraven Gunship is a compact and deadly airbourne fighting platform. Its Bloodstrike Missiles will destroy multiple armoured targets, and its ability to transport infantry and a Dreadnought make this an extremely useful unit.


The Razorback tank forgoes transport capacity for some decent firepower. It can be configured for anti-tank duties (Lascannon), or or anti-infantry duties (Heavy Bolter).

Predator Annihilator

The Predator Annihilator is an anti armour tank based on the Rhino chassis. It’s faster than the Land Raider, though less resilient.


The Hunter is an anti-air tank based on the Rhino chassis. It has excellent range and is quite accurate. Hunters are essential if your army doesn’t have any form of air cover.


Every Space Marine Dreadnought is a treasured relic, awoken during times of great need. These formidable units are used to provide heavy support to Marine formations, and are often best deployed via Drop Pod due to their slow movement speed.

Space Marine Captain

A space Marine Captain brings additional leadership qualities to Marine Tactical, Devastator, and Assault formations. In Epic Armageddon, a Captain can call on nearby formations to join him in a combined assault.