
Plaguebearers are disgusting lesser Daemons of Nurgle that are incredibly tough and formidable in close combat.


Havocs are Chaos Space Marines armed with powerful Autocannons. They are effective at cutting down enemy infantry units, and will deal some damage to armoured vehicles if the need to.

Epic Sisters of Battle

Epic 40k Sisters of BattlePurge the heretic!

Daemon Prince

A Daemon Prince is blessed by the Chaos Gods. With powerful Possessed Weapons and inhuman strength, he will decimate most units that are foolish enough to fight him.

Reaver Titan

A Reaver Titan is a powerful weapons platform, mounting up to three Titan class weapons. Though it’s heavily armoured and benefits from Void Shields it’s far from indestructable, making the cheaper Warhound Titans an attractive alternative.

Stormraven Gunship

The Stormraven Gunship is a compact and deadly airbourne fighting platform. Its Bloodstrike Missiles will destroy multiple armoured targets, and its ability to transport infantry and a Dreadnought make this an extremely useful unit.

Predator Annihilator

The Predator Annihilator is an anti armour tank based on the Rhino chassis. It’s faster than the Land Raider, though less resilient.

Land Speeder

Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.


The Hunter is an anti-air tank based on the Rhino chassis. It has excellent range and is quite accurate. Hunters are essential if your army doesn’t have any form of air cover.

Space Marine Captain

A space Marine Captain brings additional leadership qualities to Marine Tactical, Devastator, and Assault formations. In Epic Armageddon, a Captain can call on nearby formations to join him in a combined assault.