Knight Lancer

The Knight Lancer is a shock unit that hits first in engagements. Both Power Lance and Shock Lance have the First Strike rule, and they hit hard, meaning the enemy often doesn’t get the chance to fight back. It is also armed with a Battlecannon, providing decent ranged capability.

Knight Errant

An Imperial Knight Errant is a short range monster, specifically designed to take out heavily armoured targets. Its Thermal Cannon will reduce most targets to slag with ease, and both its Power Fist and Shock Lance are formidable weapons  in engagements.

Knight Castellan

A Knight Castellan is a heavily armoured fire support unit, armed with two Twin Autocannon and a Heavy Cannon. It is one of the slower knights, but decent range on its weapons make up for this.

Knight Paladin

An Imperial Knight Paladin excels in engagements, where its Chainsword and Shock Lance will make short work of most targets. It is also armed with a Battlecannon for long range support.

Knight Baron

The Knight Baron leads and inspires his household in battle. Armed with a Battlecannon, Power Gauntlet and Shock Lance, he is a force to be reckoned with, and he can strike targets before they have a chance to retaliate when participating in engagements.

Imperator Titan

An Imperator Class Titan is a huge walking fortress, armed with some of the most destructive weapons seen in the game of Epic. Its Plasma Annihilator will destroy even the largest targets in one volley, and its Hellstorm Cannon will obliterate scores of smaller targets under a rain of fire. 8 Void Shields protect the Titan, but even when they are stripped it’s unlikely the enemy have enough firepower to bring it down.

Ordinatus Golgotha

The Ordinatus Golgotha mounts six Hellfire Missiles that have devastating firepower and almost unlimited range. The missiles are able to fire without line of site, which makes this Ordinatus even more of a threat to the enemy, who will certainly attempt to cripple it early on.

Ordinatus Mars

The Ordinatus Mars is a gigantic mobile weapon platform employed by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Its Sonic Disruption Cannon has huge range, and will destroy absolutely anything under multiple blast templates. It has Void Shields for protection, but will almost certainly be a priority target for the enemy.

Scythe Harvest Ship

The Necron Scythe Harvest Ship has powerful space-to-surface weapons capable of destroying the largest of targets. Two Pin-Point Attacks each provide D3 Titan Killer shots, and the NetEA list also adds an Orbital Bombardment attack for destroying and disrupting large numbers of smaller targets.

Torture Class Cruiser

Dark Eldar Torture Class Cruisers are sleek vessels with good utility. As well as powerful Orbital Bombardment and Pin-Point Attacks, it can deliver troops to the surface via an Executioner Landing Module. This allows the Dark Eldar to strike with force anywhere on the battlefield, and without fear of taking fire on the way in.