
Tyranid Gargoyles are horrific flying creatures that swarm around enemy formations and harass them to death. As well as engaging enemy ground formations, they can target aircraft with their Swarm Strike attack.


The Ork Skorcha is very effective against infantry at short range, and it is ideally suited to clearing out entrenched positions. With a good turn of speed, it is useful for flanking the enemy.


The Eldar Cobra carries an extremely powerful D-Cannon, which can destroy Titans in one attack. However, it is difficult to get into position and carry out a successful attack due to its short range and the propensity for opponents to treat it as a high priority target.

Warp Spiders

Warp Spiders are extremely versatile assault orientated infantry capable of shredding formations of lower armoured troops before a shot is fired in return. A popular tactic is to emerge from Storm Serpent Webway gates and use their considerable assault range to hit unsupported or unprepared enemy targets.


An Imperial Guard Stormsword is a super heavy tank armed with weapons that specialise in destroying enemy in cover. Its Siege Cannon will obliterate fortifications, and Heavy Flamers lap around anything that stands between the Stormsword and its enemies.


A Bruenhilde (aka Tractor) is a small towing vehicle used to get artillery guns into position. It has limited armour and anti-infantry capability.


Imperial Guard Commissars are responsible for enforcing discipline, and they will stop at nothing to acheive this. Deserters will be shot.

Hell Talon

Chaos Hell Talons are fast Fighter Bombers with good all-round capability. Its payload can be delivered anywhere it is required, though the Chaos player should be wary of enemy anti-air units.

Questor Titan

A Questor Titan is well equipped to take down large numbers of enemy units with each volley it fires. Its Castigator Cannons are especially good at cutting through swathes of infantry.

Plague Tower

A Plague Tower is a large ramshackle construction useful for assaulting enemy fortified positions at range or up close, where it can deploy units of Chaos infantry under cover of its vast chassis.