
A Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine is a nightmare creation of the Haemonculi, that glides into battle and eviscerates foes with its Massive Blades. It is fearless and has heavy armour, making it difficult to banish from the battlefield.

Knight Paladin

An Imperial Knight Paladin excels in engagements, where its Chainsword and Shock Lance will make short work of most targets. It is also armed with a Battlecannon for long range support.


Squat Berserkers are ferocious close combat troops armed with Bolt Pistols and assault weapons. They prevent the enemy from getting too close to ranged formations, and can also be found riding into battle aboard the mighty Squat Land Train.


Squat Warriors are good all-round troops with more staying power than the average human soldier. They come with missle launchers as standard, providing some long-range support.


The Trojan Support Vehicle is an armoured tractor capable of towing heavy guns into position.

Tzeentch Firelord

The Chaos Firelord is a bomber is excellent at destroying entrenched targets. Flame Cannon and Firestorm Bombs make a mockery of natural cover or fortifications, while its Twin Lascannon is useful for taking out enemy armour and aircraft.

Epic Sisters of Battle

Epic 40k Sisters of BattlePurge the heretic!


Every Space Marine Dreadnought is a treasured relic, awoken during times of great need. These formidable units are used to provide heavy support to Marine formations, and are often best deployed via Drop Pod due to their slow movement speed.

Warlord Titan

The Warlord Titan is a massive war engine, capable of laying waste to entire formations. With a full complement of Void Shields and high damage capacity, destroying one can prove a tall order. However, they are very expensive, and including one in an army will mean sacrificing tactical flexibility.