Obliterators are monstrous foot soldiers in extremely heavy armour that literally grow weapons with which to destroy their enemies. They can appear anywhere on the board due to their teleporting ability, and pose a significant threat most targets.
Interests: Historical Games
Epic Sisters of Battle
Accompanying Notes
The inspiration for these Sisters of Battle came from some amazing hand sculpted infantry models I found way back in 2011. It never occurred to me to tackle SoB before that, but after taking in some of the ultra-dark gothic lore I was hooked. Of course, infantry is only half the equation, and it wasn’t until a couple of years later that equally lovely tanks appeared on the scene. For this army, I wanted to take the scenic base idea first used in my Blood Angels, and improve my painting and the level of detail. Some of the bases work better than others, but overall I’m pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
If anyone wants a rolling cathedral of their own, Speedhump on Thingiverse has modelled his own version and uploaded it.

Champion of Chaos
Champions of Chaos are supremme warriors armed with powerful weapons touched by Daemons. They aid also the summoning of Daemons to the battlefield.
Berzerkers are frenzied close combat monsters who will likely tear apart most oppenents they get to grips with. They have good armour and will not break or flee when the going gets tough.
Battle Barge
The Space Marine Battle Barge can launch an enormous Orbital Bombardment in the latter stages of a game. It also allows formations to planet fall via Drop Pods, Thunderhawks, or Landing Craft, though a Strike Cruiser has the same capability and is cheaper.
The Space Marine Vindicator provides excellent medium ranged firepower that ignores cover. They are especially useful for dislodging infantry from buildings.
Stormraven Gunship
The Stormraven Gunship is a compact and deadly airbourne fighting platform. Its Bloodstrike Missiles will destroy multiple armoured targets, and its ability to transport infantry and a Dreadnought make this an extremely useful unit.
Land Speeder Tornado
The Land Speeder Tornado is a longer ranged variant of the Land Speeder. Armed with an Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter, it has decent anti-infantry and anti-tank capability.
Land Speeder
Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.
Every Space Marine Dreadnought is a treasured relic, awoken during times of great need. These formidable units are used to provide heavy support to Marine formations, and are often best deployed via Drop Pod due to their slow movement speed.