
An Adepta Sororitas Exorcist is an ornate missile tank armed with a highly effective Exorcist Launcher. It has decent range and hits especially hard against enemy armoured vehicles. It has the Faithful rule, which can be used to make it Fearless and gain an Invulnerable Save.


The Adepta Sororitas Immolator is a tank with substantial short range firepower. Its Twin Multi-meltas will destroy even heavily armoured targets with ease. It can also transport a small number of infantry.

Penitent Engine

Penitent Engines are incredibly destructive units that charge headlong into battle, galvanised by the need to expunge the guilt their pilots feel for sins they have committed. Armed with Heavy Flamers and Power Saws, their targets cannot take advantage of cover or even armour.


Redemptionists are religious extremists who believe sinners must be destroyed by fire and under blade. And in the eyes of a Redemptionist, everyone is a sinner. They are cheap and unarmoured, but effective in close combat.

Battle Sisters

Adepta Sororitas Battle Sisters are zealous servants of the Emperor. They charge into battle armed with Bolters and Heavy Flamers that ignore cover, purging heretics and xenos with extreme predudice.

Inquisitor Hereticus

An Inquisitor Hereticus shows no mercy as he cuts down enemies of the the Emperor with his Power Weapon. He leads and inspires his troops in battle, and an Invulnerable Save gives him extra staying power.