Thunderfire Cannons are effective anti-aircraft weapons that can also be trained on ground units. With good range and accuracy, they will deter enemy aircraft from risking attacks on the Squat line of defense.
Interests: Hordes
Robots are hulking automations with limited scope for tactical manoeuvres, but which incorporate good armour and formidable combat ability. Power Fists smash the enemy at close quarters, and Autocannons and Heavy Bolters cut them down at range.
The Rapier is a stationary laser weapon originally designed to defend against armoured vehicles, though recent variants provide different tactical options.
Squat Hearthguard are elite warriors of high social status. There Heirloom guns and axes provide them with good close combat and ranged ability, and they can lead and inspire troops in battle.
Squat Berserkers are ferocious close combat troops armed with Bolt Pistols and assault weapons. They prevent the enemy from getting too close to ranged formations, and can also be found riding into battle aboard the mighty Squat Land Train.
Tau Hammerheads are based on the Devilfish chassis, and can mount a number of powerful armaments. Railguns are long range anti-tank weapons, Ion Cannons are more effective at destroying infantry, while Twin Fusion Cannons are shorter ranged weapons that cut through the heaviest armour.
The Warbuggy is a fast, lightly armoured vehicle that has good all-round capability. It is most effective when used in large number, where they can sustain a fairly high rate of attrition and still make it into close quarters combat.
The Ork Skorcha is very effective against infantry at short range, and it is ideally suited to clearing out entrenched positions. With a good turn of speed, it is useful for flanking the enemy.
Wyrdboys are excessively psychic Orks who can channel their power into powerful offensive attacks.
Wildboyz are primative even by Ork standards. They have no ranged weapons, instead preferring to run into battle wielding axes and shields.