The Keeper of Secrets is a Chaos Greater Daemon that is simultaneously beautiful and grotesque to those who see it. If its enemies are unlucky enough to be captured in its gaze, they’ll be cut down before they know what hit them.
Interests: Infinity
The Khorne Bloodthirster is a giant Daemon armed with massive close combat weapons, which it uses to annihilate enemies of almost any size. Blessed with Daemonic armour and incredibly thick skin, it has excellent survivability, and even when under heavy fire, will not break or run.
Chaos Land Raider
Chaos Land Raiders are adorned with Chaos iconography, skulls and spikes. These additions are mostly for show, but the armour and firepower remain largely unchanged from the loyalist Space Marine Land Raider.
Plaguebearers are disgusting lesser Daemons of Nurgle that are incredibly tough and formidable in close combat.
Flesh Hounds
Flesh Hounds are the powerful Daemonic attack dogs of Khorne. They dash into combat at high speed and tear their foes apart with razor sharp Claws.
Chaos Space Marine Bikes
Chaos Space Marine Bikes are able to cover a large amount of ground before cutting enemy units down with their Bolters and close combat weapons.
Strike Cruiser
The Space Marine Strike Cruiser can carry out an Orbital Bombardment during one turn. More importantly, it allows Space Marines to be deployed via Drop Pods, or planet falling Thunderhawks and Landing Craft, thus avoiding anti-aircraft attacks.
Land Speeder Tornado
The Land Speeder Tornado is a longer ranged variant of the Land Speeder. Armed with an Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter, it has decent anti-infantry and anti-tank capability.
Land Speeder
Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.
Epic Blood Angels
Accompanying Notes
Started around 2012, this is the first army I tried out miniature dioramas for the basing. The dioramas keep things interesting from a modelling and painting perspective, and it’s as least as satisfying as painting the miniatures themselves. I learned a few leasons while creating these bases, and the painting is not as polished as my later Sisters of Battle, but it’ll do! I can’t remember what army list I was working to, but it’s certainly not a useable force as it stands now. I need to add a few more units and formations in the future.