Space Marine Bikes make excellent flanking units. They are generally assault specialists, but the unit can be given some longer ranged firepower by adding one or more Attack Bikes.
Interests: Infinity
Tactical Marines
Tactical Space Marines are the backbone of any army. They are excellent all-rounders, and can stay in the fight longer than troops belonging to other factions.
Space Marine Scouts
Space Marine Scouts are excellent for controlling territory and guarding more expensive units against assault.
Space Marine Chaplian
A Space Marine Chaplain is an inspiring character, who drives those around him to assault with greater zeal and ferocity. He can be the difference between winning or losing and engadgement.
Warlord Titan
The Warlord Titan is a massive war engine, capable of laying waste to entire formations. With a full complement of Void Shields and high damage capacity, destroying one can prove a tall order. However, they are very expensive, and including one in an army will mean sacrificing tactical flexibility.
Epic Eldar Exodites
Accompanying Notes
These Eldar Exodites were the first army I put together and painted, and the project started around 2010. Eldar are probably my favourite faction, and some of them happen to ride giant dinosaur-like creatures into war… It was a no-brainer. Games Workshop did create a few limited release Exodites, but not enough to comprise an army, so I made my own. The dinosaurs are part of an excellent 10mm line by Magister Militum, and the Eldar bits come from a variety of old GW models. I’d quite like to reimagine a couple using modern 3D printing techniques and a better paint job, but that’s a project for another day…