Cannon of Khorne

Cannons of Khorne (aka Hellfire Cannons) are built with the sole purpose of destroying heavily armoured targets at range. They should be deployed at a location with a good field of view before the battle begins in order to maximise their potential.

Chaos Dreadnought

Chaos Dreadnoughts are twisted and sometimes mutated versions of their Space Marine counterparts. Their Twin Autocannon provides them with good ranged firepower, and they have tough armour.


Plaguebearers are disgusting lesser Daemons of Nurgle that are incredibly tough and formidable in close combat.

Epic Sisters of Battle

Epic 40k Sisters of BattlePurge the heretic!

Warhound Titan

Warhound Titans are formidable fighting machines, often deployed in pairs to increase their overall resilience. They are vulnerable to specialised enemy units, but carry considerable speed and firepower.

Reaver Titan

A Reaver Titan is a powerful weapons platform, mounting up to three Titan class weapons. Though it’s heavily armoured and benefits from Void Shields it’s far from indestructable, making the cheaper Warhound Titans an attractive alternative.

Land Speeder

Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.


Every Space Marine Dreadnought is a treasured relic, awoken during times of great need. These formidable units are used to provide heavy support to Marine formations, and are often best deployed via Drop Pod due to their slow movement speed.

Attack Bike

The Space Marine Attack Bike adds some firepower to the otherwise close combat orientated bike formation. It’s not unusual to see one of these mixed in with the standard bikes to provide flexibility.