
Tyranid Gargoyles are horrific flying creatures that swarm around enemy formations and harass them to death. As well as engaging enemy ground formations, they can target aircraft with their Swarm Strike attack.


Tyranid Hormagaunts are armed with razor sharp Talons that provide them with additional attacks in close combat. They scurry into combat speed, and they are cheap and expendable.


The Squat Colossus is a gigantic fire support vehicle with a massive array of destructive ranged weapons. Doomsday Cannon, Battlecannon and Plasma Missiles destroy the enemy at long range, and the Demolisher Cannon obliterates anything that gets too close.


The Leviathan is an office block-sized vehicle with an impressive array of weaponry, Void Shield protection, and huge transport capacity. Its main armament, the Doomsday Cannon, has enormous range and will destroy most enemies in a single volley.


The Overlord Airship is a huge, floating fortress of destruction. With rows of Battlecannon and Autocannons facing all directions, it will utterly destroy infantry and armoured vehicles alike.

Goliath Mega Cannon

The Goliath Mega Cannon is a huge artilery gun with massive range and firepower. When fired indirectly, there is barely a spot on the battlefield that cannot be targeted, and any cover bonus they enemy might have will be ignored.


A Hellbore is a giant tunnelling machine, capable of transporting entire companies of infantry, Bikers, artillery, and Robots. It will appear unannounced, wreaking havoc in enemy lines.


Squat Trikes are fast attack vehicles armed with a pintle mounted Multi-Melta that will reduce even heavily armoured enemies to molten slag in seconds.


A Squat Guildmaster leads his Bikers into battle astride a special custom bike, and armed with a Power Lance with which to strike down enemies before they have a chance to react.

Mole Mortar

Mole Mortars are strange ‘artilery’ weapons that release tunnelling ammunition that burrows beneath enemy lines, bypassing defences, and emerging right under the target’s feet.