
Squat Hearthguard are elite warriors of high social status. There Heirloom guns and axes provide them with good close combat and ranged ability, and they can lead and inspire troops in battle.


Squat Bikers are fast attack troops with good close combat ability. They speed into battle riding custom choppers and wearing mirror lense eye-wear.


Squat Warriors are good all-round troops with more staying power than the average human soldier. They come with missle launchers as standard, providing some long-range support.

Living Ancestor

On the rare occasion a Squat lives beyond his normal lifespan of 300 years, he develops psychic abilities that enable him to provide expert insights to his commanders.


Squat Warlords often wade into battle wearing heavy power armour called ‘Exo Armour’. This affords them a re-roll on armour saves, and provides them with formidable close combat ability.

Hero Class Cruiser

A Hero Class Cruiser can provide useful orbital support to a Tau army. It can target enemy War Engines with it’s powerful Pin-point Attacks, and deliver Orcas and Mantas anywhere on the board.

Tiger Shark AX-1-0

The Tiger Shark AX-1-0 is a heavily armed aircraft capable of destroying the mightiest War Engines with its Twin Rail Cannons. It also carries a range of secondary weapons that are able to threaten all types of target.

Tiger Shark

The Tiger Shark is a well armed aircraft that can transport units of Gun Drones and drop them on the battlefield wherever they are needed most.


The Tau Manta is one of the largest known spaceships capable of atmospheric flight. It employs an impressive array of weaponry that will decimate small War Engines in one volley. It also has a large cargo bay with room enough to transport multiple formations of infantry, plus armoured vehicles.


Tau Piranhas are fast skimmers that are used for scouting missions. They are armed with Burst Cannon and Drones for attacking enemy infantry, and Seeker Missiles that provide anti-tank capability.