
The Ork Warbike is a fast, close combate orientated unit. It is best used in large number, where a formation of Warbikes can survive fairly high attrition rates on the approach.

Warbike Outriders

Ork Warbike Outriders are fast moving units with scouting abilities. Their Twin Sawn-off Big Shootas have some short ranged use, but Outriders are better suited to getting up close and personal with their enemies.


An Oddboy character is added to a vehicle or artillery gun, and upgrades the unit to a Supa-Zzap Gun or Soopagun. These weapons are capable of destruction on a large scale.

Nob Warbikes

Nob Warbikes are Ork leaders who ride into battle on the best bikes and chop enemies up at close quarters with their assault weapons. They also have ranged firepower, though it’s not particularly accurate.


Madboyz are crazed close combat troops who will fight on regardless of whether they’re winning the battle or not.


Boarboyz ride into battle on great hairy beasts. They are good in close combat, and have reasonable armour.

Fire Gale

An Eldar Fire Gale can be devastating to enemy War Engines if it gets close.

Towering Destroyer

The Towering Destroyer is an Eldar Knight with excellent all-round abilities.


The Eldar Dragonship is one of the fastest heavy cruisers that can bring weapons to bear on the Epic game board. Unlike enemy ships in its class it can arrive on any turn, helping to mask the Eldar’s strategy.

Vampire Raider

The Vampire Raider is a fast, well armed transport aircraft that can deliver troops anywhere on the board. Once they have performed any transport duties, they make adequate tank hunters.