
A Repressor is a transport vehicle capable of traversing dangerous terrain with ease. Armed with a Heavy Flamer, it ignores cover, making it useful for removing enrenched enemies.


Redemptionists are religious extremists who believe sinners must be destroyed by fire and under blade. And in the eyes of a Redemptionist, everyone is a sinner. They are cheap and unarmoured, but effective in close combat.

Deathcult Assassins

Deathcult Assassins are extremely effective in close combat, their Power Weapons able to cut through even heavy armour with ease. They have the Infiltrator rule, meaning they can engage the enemy from further away than other units.

Inquisitorial Storm Troopers

Inquisitorial Storm Troopers form the bulk of an Inquisitor’s retinue. They are armed with Hellguns and Plasmaguns, making them a threat to both infantry and armour.


Arco-Flagellants are individuals who have been lobotomised and had their arms replaced with Combat Flails, as punishment for crimes they have committed. Completely fearless, they rush headlong into battle striking down multiple targets as they go.


Adepta Sororitas Seraphim are elite warriors in a Sisters of Battle army. They have good armour and are effective in both fire fights and close combat. Their wings allow them to move a significant distance across the battlefield, and the Teleport ability allows them to strike from unexpected locations.


Adepta Sororita Dominions are the Scouts for a Sisters of Battle army. They are armed with Meltaguns, which are extremely effective against both infantry and armour in engagements.

Battle Sisters

Adepta Sororitas Battle Sisters are zealous servants of the Emperor. They charge into battle armed with Bolters and Heavy Flamers that ignore cover, purging heretics and xenos with extreme predudice.

Inquisitor Hereticus

An Inquisitor Hereticus shows no mercy as he cuts down enemies of the the Emperor with his Power Weapon. He leads and inspires his troops in battle, and an Invulnerable Save gives him extra staying power.


The Adepta Sororitas Canoness leads her troops into battle, inspiring them to fight harder in engagements. She is armed with a Blessed Weapon, that makes her a formidable opponent in close combat.