
Necron Wraiths are frightening mechanical creatures with razor sharp claws that will slice through enemy units with speed and efficiency. They are fast enough to catch their prey by surprise, and weaker opponents may never get the opportunity to fight back.

Heavy Destroyers

Necron Heavy Destroyers are fearsome anti-tank specialists, who’s Heavy Gauss Cannons will pose a serious threat to armour at medium range.

Barge of Pleasure

The Dark Eldar Barge of Pleasure is a large War Engine transport armed with Dark Lances and Splinter Cannon. It is protected by Shadowfields, which obscure the unit from view, making it harder to hit. Like other Dark Eldar units, it is fast for a vehicle of its size.

Warp Beasts

Dark Eldar Warp Beasts sometimes accompany Wyches into combat, providing even greater close combat potency. The enemy will find themselves fending off a flurry of attacks from razor sharp Teeth and Claws.


A Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine is a nightmare creation of the Haemonculi, that glides into battle and eviscerates foes with its Massive Blades. It is fearless and has heavy armour, making it difficult to banish from the battlefield.


The Dark Eldar Dracon is a warrior who leads and inspires his troops in battle. He carries an Agonizer, which inflicts immense pain on his target by controlling the victim’s nervous system.

Knight Paladin

An Imperial Knight Paladin excels in engagements, where its Chainsword and Shock Lance will make short work of most targets. It is also armed with a Battlecannon for long range support.

Ordinatus Golgotha

The Ordinatus Golgotha mounts six Hellfire Missiles that have devastating firepower and almost unlimited range. The missiles are able to fire without line of site, which makes this Ordinatus even more of a threat to the enemy, who will certainly attempt to cripple it early on.

Adeptus Mechanicus Battleship

An Adeptus Mechanicus Battleship can bring to bear huge amounts of firepower to the planet surface. A player must choose between firing a massive Orbital Bombardment that can disrupt and destroy large numbers of enemy units if the target co-ordinates are good, or using a powerful Pin-Point Attack to destroy the biggest War Engines.

Slaanesh Steeds

Slaanesh Steeds are strange looking beasts ridden by Chaos Space Marines. They can be used as proxies for Daemonettes on Steeds, or Chaos Bikes.