Hydraphant Bio-Titan

The Hydraphant is one of the largest Tyranid bio constructs seen on the battlefield. Its Ripper Tentacles can pull apart enemy titans with ease, and it has an array of secondary weaponry with which to decimate units of all types up close and at range.


Tyranid Malefactors are close support specialists that shoot razor sharp projectiles from their arms. Scores of enemies can fall to the Malefactor’s attack.


A Tyranid Carnifex is a terrifying walking tank, with huge Scything Talons that will slice through the heaviest armour. It is fearless, and will never run from a fight.


Genestealers are fast, powerful close combat troops that can devastate enemy lines before they know what’s hit them. They have excellent range for getting into engagements, so woe betide an enemy that strays even moderately close.

Goliath Mega Cannon

The Goliath Mega Cannon is a huge artilery gun with massive range and firepower. When fired indirectly, there is barely a spot on the battlefield that cannot be targeted, and any cover bonus they enemy might have will be ignored.


A Hellbore is a giant tunnelling machine, capable of transporting entire companies of infantry, Bikers, artillery, and Robots. It will appear unannounced, wreaking havoc in enemy lines.


The Termite is a tunnelling machine used to transport troops into battle. The premise is similar to deployment via spaceship drop, and the enemy player does not know exactly when, or where the Termite will appear.


A Squat Guildmaster leads his Bikers into battle astride a special custom bike, and armed with a Power Lance with which to strike down enemies before they have a chance to react.

Mole Mortar

Mole Mortars are strange ‘artilery’ weapons that release tunnelling ammunition that burrows beneath enemy lines, bypassing defences, and emerging right under the target’s feet.


Squat Bikers are fast attack troops with good close combat ability. They speed into battle riding custom choppers and wearing mirror lense eye-wear.