Vyper Jetbike

Vyper Jetbikes can provide a Jetbike unit with some useful ranged firepower. In Epic Armageddon, they are often used for placing blast markers if an assault is out of reach or unfavourable.

Night Spinner

The Night Spinner tank is a useful addition to an Eldar army, providing indirect fire capability. They should be kept hidden from enemy view where possible, as they will be neutralised quickly after coming under fire.

Warp Spiders

Warp Spiders are extremely versatile assault orientated infantry capable of shredding formations of lower armoured troops before a shot is fired in return. A popular tactic is to emerge from Storm Serpent Webway gates and use their considerable assault range to hit unsupported or unprepared enemy targets.

Howling Banshees

Howling Banshees have the ability to hit enemy units before they have a chance to strike back. They are lightly armoured, and unless they can significantly reduce enemy numbers in the initial charge, they may not survive the assault.

Marauder Destroyer

The Imperial Navy Marauder Destroyer is a heavily armed bomber that poses a significant threat to enemy infantry and armour anywhere on the board.


The Shadowsword super heavy tank is designed for destroying War Engines; a role which it fulfills admirably. Its Titan class Volcano Cannon can vaporise smaller War Engines with one shot.


The Imperial Guard Vulture is a ground attack aircraft with formidable firepower. Heavy Bolter and Twin Autocannons will mow down infantry and pose a reasonable threat to armour, while its Hellstrike Missiles provide a long range, precision anti-tank capability.


The Sentinel is a light scout walker that is useful for holding territory and slowing an oppenents advance. It is vulnerable to all types of fire, so should be kept in cover as much as possible.

Leman Russ Vanquisher

The Vanquisher is a Leman Russ variant with a huge, long ranged gun. It is especially useful for ‘sniping’ enemy armour from far away, but its heavy armour gives it an excellent chance of survival if the enemy gets close enough to retaliate.

Leman Russ Destroyer

The Leman Russ Destroyer (aka Tank Destroyer) is built for one purpose: hunting enemy tanks. Its chassis houses its Laser Destroyer main gun, and no other armaments are deemed necessary.