Epic Sisters of Battle

Epic 40k Sisters of BattlePurge the heretic!

Chaos Sorceror

A Sorceror Lord can harness the power of the Warp to destroy his enemies. His attacks are short ranged, but powerful.

Predator Annihilator

The Predator Annihilator is an anti armour tank based on the Rhino chassis. It’s faster than the Land Raider, though less resilient.

Land Speeder Tornado

The Land Speeder Tornado is a longer ranged variant of the Land Speeder. Armed with an Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolter, it has decent anti-infantry and anti-tank capability.

Land Speeder

Space Marine Land Speeders make excellent flanking units. They carry melta weapons capable of destroying heavy armour, and are well suited to getting into position for crossfire bonuses.

Land Raider

The Land Raider is an iconic heavy tank primarily used by the Space Marines. It carries formidable armament and is also able to transport a number of Marines, including those in Terminator armour.

Epic Blood Angels

Epic 40k Blood AngelsStrike, brothers!

Space Marine Scouts

Space Marine Scouts are excellent for controlling territory and guarding more expensive units against assault.

Space Marine Captain

A space Marine Captain brings additional leadership qualities to Marine Tactical, Devastator, and Assault formations. In Epic Armageddon, a Captain can call on nearby formations to join him in a combined assault.

Space Marine Chaplian

A Space Marine Chaplain is an inspiring character, who drives those around him to assault with greater zeal and ferocity. He can be the difference between winning or losing and engadgement.