Knight Castellan

A Knight Castellan is a heavily armoured fire support unit, armed with two Twin Autocannon and a Heavy Cannon. It is one of the slower knights, but decent range on its weapons make up for this.

Knight Paladin

An Imperial Knight Paladin excels in engagements, where its Chainsword and Shock Lance will make short work of most targets. It is also armed with a Battlecannon for long range support.

Ordinatus Armageddon

The Ordinatus Armageddon is a starship weapon mounted on a land-based crawler. Its Nova Cannon is more than capable of reducing an enemy Titan to a smouldering wreck with one salvo, should it make the mistake of wandering into line of site of this massive machine.

Scythe Harvest Ship

The Necron Scythe Harvest Ship has powerful space-to-surface weapons capable of destroying the largest of targets. Two Pin-Point Attacks each provide D3 Titan Killer shots, and the NetEA list also adds an Orbital Bombardment attack for destroying and disrupting large numbers of smaller targets.

Torture Class Cruiser

Dark Eldar Torture Class Cruisers are sleek vessels with good utility. As well as powerful Orbital Bombardment and Pin-Point Attacks, it can deliver troops to the surface via an Executioner Landing Module. This allows the Dark Eldar to strike with force anywhere on the battlefield, and without fear of taking fire on the way in.

Hydraphant Bio-Titan

The Hydraphant is one of the largest Tyranid bio constructs seen on the battlefield. Its Ripper Tentacles can pull apart enemy titans with ease, and it has an array of secondary weaponry with which to decimate units of all types up close and at range.


Tyranid Gargoyles are horrific flying creatures that swarm around enemy formations and harass them to death. As well as engaging enemy ground formations, they can target aircraft with their Swarm Strike attack.


The Leviathan is an office block-sized vehicle with an impressive array of weaponry, Void Shield protection, and huge transport capacity. Its main armament, the Doomsday Cannon, has enormous range and will destroy most enemies in a single volley.


The Rapier is a stationary laser weapon designed to defend against armoured vehicles, though it does have some anti-infantry ability.

Mole Mortar

Mole Mortars are strange ‘artilery’ weapons that release tunnelling ammunition that burrows beneath enemy lines, bypassing defences, and emerging right under the target’s feet.