
Imperial Guard Commissars are responsible for enforcing discipline, and they will stop at nothing to acheive this. Deserters will be shot.


The Rhino is a well armoured transport vehicle, used by various factions in Epic Armageddon. It has the capacity to carry two stands of troops into battle, and provide light fire support in engagements.

Devastation Class Cruiser

Devastation Class Cruisers are excellent for deploying Chaos units via planetfall. They also have Orbital Bombardment that will destroy large numbers of weaker units, and a Pin-point Attack for obliterating War Engines.

Despoiler Class Battleship

Despoiler Class Battleships are huge, hulking vessels with substantial offensive capability, and the ability to transport a large number of Chaos units.

Hell Blade

Chaos Hell Blades are dagger-like interceptors that will make short work of enemy aircraft. Their Reaper Autocannons are also useful for mopping up broken enemy formations.

Tzeentch Firelord

The Chaos Firelord is a bomber is excellent at destroying entrenched targets. Flame Cannon and Firestorm Bombs make a mockery of natural cover or fortifications, while its Twin Lascannon is useful for taking out enemy armour and aircraft.

Tzeentch Doomwing

Tzeentch Doomwings are frighteningly fast aircraft armed with short ranged Flame Cannons that are excellent for clearing out enemy targets in cover.

Subjugator Titan

A Chaos Subjugator Titan is a close combat orientated War Engine that will stride at speed across the battlefield in order to rip enemy units of all sizes to shreads with its Hellclaws.

Questor Titan

A Questor Titan is well equipped to take down large numbers of enemy units with each volley it fires. Its Castigator Cannons are especially good at cutting through swathes of infantry.

Plague Tower

A Plague Tower is a large ramshackle construction useful for assaulting enemy fortified positions at range or up close, where it can deploy units of Chaos infantry under cover of its vast chassis.