Spore Mine Cluster

Spore Mine Clusters float around the battlefield, causing damage and disruption to infantry, vehicles, and aircraft.


The Leviathan is an office block-sized vehicle with an impressive array of weaponry, Void Shield protection, and huge transport capacity. Its main armament, the Doomsday Cannon, has enormous range and will destroy most enemies in a single volley.


Squat Berserkers are ferocious close combat troops armed with Bolt Pistols and assault weapons. They prevent the enemy from getting too close to ranged formations, and can also be found riding into battle aboard the mighty Squat Land Train.


Squat Warriors are good all-round troops with more staying power than the average human soldier. They come with missle launchers as standard, providing some long-range support.

Fighta Bommer

Fighter Bommers can be deployed in significant number. Large squadrons are able to sustain heavy losses and still make it through to their target.


Wildboyz are primative even by Ork standards. They have no ranged weapons, instead preferring to run into battle wielding axes and shields.

Warp Spiders

Warp Spiders are extremely versatile assault orientated infantry capable of shredding formations of lower armoured troops before a shot is fired in return. A popular tactic is to emerge from Storm Serpent Webway gates and use their considerable assault range to hit unsupported or unprepared enemy targets.


An Exarch can further increase the effectiveness of an Aspect Warrior unit. Depending on the Aspect they belong to, they are close combat or fire fight orientated. The latter are more popular, as they have more chance of surviving an engagement.


The Imperial Guard Valkyrie is a transport aircraft with excellent all-round ability. Its Multi Laser and Heavy Bolter provide anti-infantry and anti-tank capability, and Rocket Pods are one-shot weapons that cause considerable disruption to enemy lines.


The Sentinel is a light scout walker that is useful for holding territory and slowing an oppenents advance. It is vulnerable to all types of fire, so should be kept in cover as much as possible.