
An Adepta Sororitas Palatine is a high ranking officer who leads her Battle Sisters, giving them extra durability and co-ordinating assaults with nearby formations. She is armed with a Blessed Weapon, making her potent in close combat.


A Necron Pylon is a huge, stationary weapon with impressive range and power. It is unsusual in that its Titan-killing Particle Accelerator can target aircraft, making air assault on the Necron army especially difficult for their enemies.

Aeonic Orb

A Necron Aeonic Orb is a long ranged weapon of almost unparalleled power. It floats ominously across the battlefield searching for suitable enemy units to target with its Solar Flare, and a hit can reduce an unshielded Titan to dust in one volley.


Necron Obelisks are heavily armoured vehicles that have good anti-infantry and anti-armour capability. They can appear anywhere on the board without warning, to cause havoc among enemy ranks.


Necron Monoliths are heavily armoured machines that hover just above the ground, destroying enemy infantry and armour with their Particle Whips and Gauss Flux Arcs. They also act as Portals from which Necron forces enter the battlefield, making them extremely dangerous units.


Necron Wraiths are frightening mechanical creatures with razor sharp claws that will slice through enemy units with speed and efficiency. They are fast enough to catch their prey by surprise, and weaker opponents may never get the opportunity to fight back.


Necron Pariahs are deadly close combat specialists who will cleave through heavy armour with their War Scythes.


Necron Immortals use their Gauss Blasters to decimate enemy units at close range. They are also capable close combat fighters.

Heavy Destroyers

Necron Heavy Destroyers are fearsome anti-tank specialists, who’s Heavy Gauss Cannons will pose a serious threat to armour at medium range.

Corsair Class Escort

A Corsair Class Escort is a relatively small spaceship that provides orbital support to the Dark Eldar army. It is armed with an Orbital Bombardment and a Pin-Point Attack, though some of this weaponry can be forfeited to gain transport capacity.