Ordinatus Golgotha

The Ordinatus Golgotha mounts six Hellfire Missiles that have devastating firepower and almost unlimited range. The missiles are able to fire without line of site, which makes this Ordinatus even more of a threat to the enemy, who will certainly attempt to cripple it early on.

Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser

The Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser provides orbital support for a Titan Legion. It uses powerful bombardment and pin-point attacks to destroy large numbers of small units, or single, high value targets.

Slaanesh Steeds

Slaanesh Steeds are strange looking beasts ridden by Chaos Space Marines. They can be used as proxies for Daemonettes on Steeds, or Chaos Bikes.

Capitol Imperialis

A Capitol Imperialis is a gigantic mobile command centre, capable of transporting whole regiments of troops. It is slow but incredibly heavily armoured, and it is protected by several Void Shields. It doesn’t feature in any approved Epic Armageddon lists, but it can be found in the Space Marine 2nd Edition rules.

Hive Nest

The Hive Nest spawns Ripper Swarms that will attack anything that comes near.

Spore Mine Cluster

Spore Mine Clusters float around the battlefield, causing damage and disruption to infantry, vehicles, and aircraft.


Genestealers are fast, powerful close combat troops that can devastate enemy lines before they know what’s hit them. They have excellent range for getting into engagements, so woe betide an enemy that strays even moderately close.


The Squat Colossus is a gigantic fire support vehicle with a massive array of destructive ranged weapons. Doomsday Cannon, Battlecannon and Plasma Missiles destroy the enemy at long range, and the Demolisher Cannon obliterates anything that gets too close.

Goliath Mega Cannon

The Goliath Mega Cannon is a huge artilery gun with massive range and firepower. When fired indirectly, there is barely a spot on the battlefield that cannot be targeted, and any cover bonus they enemy might have will be ignored.


The Termite is a tunnelling machine used to transport troops into battle. The premise is similar to deployment via spaceship drop, and the enemy player does not know exactly when, or where the Termite will appear.