
A Squat Guildmaster leads his Bikers into battle astride a special custom bike, and armed with a Power Lance with which to strike down enemies before they have a chance to react.


The Rapier is a stationary laser weapon designed to defend against armoured vehicles, though it does have some anti-infantry ability.

Mole Mortar

Mole Mortars are strange ‘artilery’ weapons that release tunnelling ammunition that burrows beneath enemy lines, bypassing defences, and emerging right under the target’s feet.


Squat Thunderers are excellent ranged specialists, armed with missile launchers and Heavy Bolters that can deal with armoured vehicles and infantry.


Squat Berserkers are ferocious close combat troops armed with Bolt Pistols and assault weapons. They prevent the enemy from getting too close to ranged formations, and can also be found riding into battle aboard the mighty Squat Land Train.


Squat Warriors are good all-round troops with more staying power than the average human soldier. They come with missle launchers as standard, providing some long-range support.

Living Ancestor

On the rare occasion a Squat lives beyond his normal lifespan of 300 years, he develops psychic abilities that enable him to provide expert insights to his commanders.


Squat Warlords often wade into battle wearing heavy power armour called ‘Exo Armour’. This affords them a re-roll on armour saves, and provides them with formidable close combat ability.


Squiggoths are lumbering creatures that Feral Orks adorn with guns and armour to ride into battle on. Their large teeth and horns make them formidable in close combat, and they are extremely resilient to incoming fire.


The Ork Skorcha is very effective against infantry at short range, and it is ideally suited to clearing out entrenched positions. With a good turn of speed, it is useful for flanking the enemy.